Deal With Stress And Anxiety Amid COVID19

Tarulika Jain
5 min readJul 4, 2020


The beginning of the year was knocked by an uninvited virus known as COVID19. It started roaming all around the world, meeting people at every corner and leaving none of them ungreeted. Analysing the overwhelming behaviour of COVID19, the World Health Organisation declared it as pandemic and advised people to stay at their homes till the vaccine is made so that an uninvited guest cannot shake their hands and stay in the body till their last breath. As a result of the announcement, the majority of countries declared a complete rest or lockdown for their citizens while urging enterprises to maintain economic equilibrium and livelihood by administering the work from home. After a few months of lockdown, when the over-excited COVID was still chilling around, people started getting irritated due to loss of jobs, inability to meet their family and friends and most importantly by the headlines related to increasing cases of infected people. So, amid the crisis situation, I thought to chill with you guys and give some ideas to deal with stress and anxiety amid COVID19.

How To Deal With Stress And Anxiety?

Either we can crib or nag with the present situation or we can accept it happily or could even try to enjoy whatever the condition we are facing. Stressing our nerves and getting pissed off with everyone and with every situation is definitely not the right approach to deal with the virus. So, I just wish to mention some of the tried and tested techniques which might help you to deal with stress and anxiety.

Enjoy Digital Detoxification

Presently, everybody is in the productive overhaul and trying to utilise as much social media they can to showcase their skills and talents. If you are one from the audience side, you might be insecure or anxious. Don’t worry, embrace yourself and try to spend a day without using your smartphone, laptop and television set. Do anything without touching your phone like reading a book, playing the board game, trying the old clothes, cycling and whatever you feel to but without digital media intrusion.

Add A Tinge of Childhood

Childhood days were amazing, no matter whichever generation you belong! Don’t you think, we can introduce childhood memories in our day’s routine to rejuvenate ourselves amid the zombie crisis going outside our homes. Just take out an hour today, and jot down the activities or games, you used to play that time and try to play them once in a week now. Or you can just flip the pages of the reeled photos, watch that old movie or have a conversation with your grandparents and share the memories, or just try to paint or write anything which you used to eat that time. Have a bit of nostalgia to divert your mind.

Break Up Your Assumptions!

We all have some or the other assumption about ourselves like we cannot dance, we don’t like to read books, we can’t cook and many more. But have you ever tried to break that chain of thoughts and tried to break up with your presumptions. When a microbial virus can shake up the whole world, at least you can try to do the things which you think you cannot. For instance, if you think you are not a book lover, just pick up a book of any topic which interests you the most and start reading, you might end up with a heartwarming experience. Or just try some of those yoga asanas which amuse you or tap your feet on your favourite tunes (no matter if you do it alone in your room, but give it a try!)

Design Your 12 Hours

An empty mind is where the virus haunts! Generally when we sit idle without having any work or when we are done scrolling our phones, we get a little paranoid of the situation we are stuck in. Now when the virus is infecting more and more lives, our mind is constantly thinking about the condition. Thus, it is better to keep yourself busy at least for 12 hours of the day. Try to design your day a night before mentioning your daily chores with the pinch of fun, relaxing and peaceful breaks. Give an attempt to add something new in your daily routine to save your mind and heart from the mundane dreadful situation.

The Shift Approach

Getting up early in the morning or late nowadays (already disturbed sleeping cycle) with no plans for a day might end up in turning irritated mind. Also, a day with a load of work or a day without any work might result in nothing. As per the “Shift approach”, you can just schedule your shifts ( 2 hours is advisable) means to divide your day in 2 hours shift for a particular work and try to complete in that time, dragging more than that won’t be fruitful. Then, take an hour or half an hour break (physical movement) and then resume for another shift. This Shift-Break approach is useful in keeping your mind fresh and helps in completing your work in the provided time frame. Sense of achievement with a relaxed mind could help you to deal with stress and anxiety.

Wrapping Up

No one knows about the vaccine launch or end of the fear associated with COVID but everybody knows that it will end sooner or later. Every time havoc knocks the door, firstly we don’t take it seriously, then it became huge, we panic, take the stress and finally, it ends one day. That is the cycle of any hazard either a natural one or caused by any tiny little virus. We must remind ourselves that if there is a problem, it would definitely have a solution. Change is the only constant!! Thus, it is our choice either to deal with smiles and cheerful thoughts or to deal with stress and anxiety!



Tarulika Jain
Tarulika Jain

Written by Tarulika Jain

Latest technologies like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and many more amuse my mind to read and my fingers to write.

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