Is Ignorance a Bliss?
Last weekend, as soon as I woke up, door knocks! I knew that a bubble wrap monster has arrived. And there it was! An Amazon delivery box with the stamp of “fragile” on it. Yeah! both literally and metaphorically, it was fragile. It was a weighing machine with the tagline “Yesterday you said tomorrow”.
We, me and my brother, have some kind of genes that can turn our body into a big giant balloon even if we intake air and water only. So, after delaying our work out sessions for months and breaking the strict rule of early to bed and early to rise (and exercise!), we decided for some reality check. We thought of ordering something which can push us into our joggers and sports shoes for rigorous work out sessions. Thus, we ordered a weighing machine.
We opened that box with our shaking hands and decided to stand one by one on it. As soon as each of us stands over it, we start regretting over broken resolutions, non-occasional chocolates, skipping the gym sessions after taking the monthly subscription, and what not! We slipped the machine underneath our bed and started googling the ways to achieve over-optimistic goals of losing a large number of kilograms in a few weeks. And finally, we settled on a schedule that could help us in achieving our targeted weight in 10 weeks.
That day we understood, ignorance is not ‘always’ a bliss. We tend to ignore our physical health on a daily basis. We try to find excuses for having that extra cheese slice or avoiding our work out sessions. Above that, we console ourselves by saying that we are happy with what we are. Being healthy does not mean that you are not happy with your outlook. It simply means taking care of your body, mind and soul. It means maintaining an active happy lifestyle. Being healthy does not mean “one size fit for all” but it means to feel healthy in your size. So, avoid the un-blissful ignoring of that extra pounds in your body and start working for yourself.
Stay fit! Stay healthy!